MyArt for School

We are proud to present: MyART for School.

We strongly believe in cinema as a powerful tool to raise awareness and drive social change.  MyART for School uses this tool to promote awareness and critical thinking among young people. We actively engage young people, train them in filmmaking and make them participate in the 3rd edition of MyART.

What we do? Back to school!

During school workshops, students become familiar with the concept of alternative narrations that our film festival offers through documentaries and short films. We show films on human rights and migration and discuss them with the students. We analyse the filmmaker’s intention, technique and language.

Our workshops are introduced and coordinated by a professional journalist who is experienced in dealing with human rights issues and trained in professional ethics. Encounters with migrants are part of the workshops – it is crucial that their voices are heard. 15 students will be chosen to be involved in the organization and promotion of the 3rd edition of MyART Film Festival.

Special thanks to:

The MyART for School project is promoted by the multicultural association “La Kasbah” onlus and funded by the “Piano Nazionale del Cinema per la Scuola” (Azione C2 “Buone Pratiche, Rassegne e Festival), promoted by MIUR (Ministry of Education, University and Research) and MiBAC (Ministry of heritage and cultural activities).