The films in competition for 2021 edition have been selected
  • 18
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They are documentaries and short films coming from Iran, Israel, South Korea, Malaysia, Tunisia, Sudan, Italy, Norway and England. 

A professional taxi driver, emigrated at the age of 9 from Italy to USA, after an anti-immigration raid at the border with Mexico, has to choose: prison in Arizona or deportation to Italy for ten years; the inner conflict of an African-Israeli coping with the violent temper of his father, a refugee; a 19 year-old boy born and grown up in Taranto decides to leave everything and go volunteering in the most dramatic areas of the planet; three women victims of trafficking try to get out of slavery becoming hope for other women; a man unjustly condemned to death and released after 22 years must face a new challenge: survive to freedom; a young man finds life again after escaping a refugee camp in Bangladesh, where the Rohingya community is persecuted from Myanmar.

These stories and many others are the ones told by the films in competition at the fith edition of MyArt International Film Festival, dedicated to migration and human rights and taking place in Cosenza from 9th to 12th December at Cinema San Nicola.

The Jury of the Festival will have to evaluate ten documentaries to assign Sarah Maldoror Award, dedicated to the memory of the film director from Guadaloupe, who died in 2020 because of the pandemic. The 2.500 euros prize is guaranteed by Associazione Culturale Multietnica “La Kasbah” onlus, which promotes and organized the film festival.

The documentaries in competition are: La visione dei vinti byTommaso Cotronei; Khatemeh by Hadi and Mehdi Zarei; –Tony Driver by Ascanio Petrini; A declaration of love by Marco Speroni; La febbre di Gennaro by Daniele Cini; Man kind man by Iacopo Patierno; Sue by Elisabetta Larosa; Begzor Begzar by Bijan Anquetil; Chancela the new black by Boaz Rosenberg ed Un giorno la notte by Michele Aiello and Michele Cattani.

The films selected for the short film competition also tell storied of oppression and redemption, culture and tradition of a word which we know nearly anything about. Ten film directors from Europe, Asia and Africa are competing for Shady Habash Award, granted by Fondazione Migrantes and equal tu euros 1.500. The selected titles are: Stupid, naive & lucky by Giulio Tonincelli; Bølgeblikk (waves) by Camilla Roman; Cefalea byKim Hyejin; Inner Self by Mohammad Hormozi; The cloud is still ther by Mickey Lai; Mousie by David Bartlett; Al-sit by Suzannah Mirghani; Shero by Claudio Casale; Come a Mìcono by Alessandro Porzio; Plague under the olive tree by Youssef Ksentini. 

Also this year MyArt Film Festival wants to focus on topics and stories that offer an alternative narration of migration and human rights.

Read the films’ fact cards

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