Submissions for MyArt Film Festival 2021 extended
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Works can be submitted within 2st September 2021

Posponed to 2th September the deadline for registration to the fifth edition of MyArt International Film Festival, The indipendent film festival will take place in Cosenza from 26th to 29th October 2021.

The Festival, organized since 2017 by Associazione Culturale Multietnica “La Kasbah” Onlus of Cosenza, promotes the protection of human rights through filmmaking.

MyART aims at supporting and spreading film works which go beyond simple witnessing to become active, committed cinema, with its eye on the future of new generations: a workshop involving film directors, producers and, above all, audience, making it an active part in the construction of a new concept of global citizenship which is able to combine human rights protection with respect for diversity.

Also next edition of MyART International Film Festival will include differen sections:

  • Documentary competition

Documentary films, of up to 60 minutes, about subjects related to human rights protection, with special attention to migration as well as respect for fundamental freedoms (expression, religion, gender, sexual orientation, ethnicity, etc.).

The winner of the documentary competition will be awarded Sarah Maldoror Award (2.500 € money prize).

  • Short film competition

Fiction short films, of up to 30 minutes, about subjects related to human rights protection, with special attention to migration as well as respect for fundamental freedoms (expression, religion, gender, sexual orientation, ethnicity, etc.).

The winner of the short film competition will be awarded Shady Habash Award (1.500 € money prize ).

  • CalaFilm Section

Documentaries and fiction short films by Calabrian authors, or set in Calabria, or produced by Calabrian productions having a subject, idea, or project which represents or looks at the territory in an original way. The prize can also be awarded to figures from Calabrian cinematography who have particularly distinguished themselves on a national and international scale.

The best documentary will be awarded the CalaFilm 700€ money prize.

The best fiction short film will be awarded the CalaFilm 300€ money prize.

  • Non-competing films

Previews and/or recent works of renowned directors, critically-acclaimed films, films awarded at major intenrational festivals concerning human rights protection, with special attention to migration as well as respect for fundamental freedoms (expression, religion, gender, sexual orientation, ethnicity, etc.)

Call for application of documentaries and short films will be closed on 2th September 2021.

Like every year, the Festival Direction will appoint an international panel to judge the films in competition. In the previous editions Daniele Ciprì, Wilma Labate, Gianfranco Pannone, Andrea Segre, Ilir Butka, Alessandro Di Gregorio, Anna Ramskogler-Witt, Corrado Giustiniani, Valerio Cataldi, Daniele Gaglianone, Serena Gramizzi, Alessandro Grande, Aldo Iuliano and Mario Vitale were part of it.

Films documentaries and short film produced after 1st January 2019 – preferably in Italian preview – can apply for the sections in competition.

To apply for the Festival it is necessary to fill the application form and send the film in its original language (with Italian subtitles) sending an mpg4-h264 file with a no less than 8.000kb/sec bitrate or a streaming link to with username and password, following the procedures provided in the entry form.


MyART International Film Festival

Migrations and Human Rights in the heart of the Mediterranean #5

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