MyArt 2020’s call for entries is now open
  • 09
  • 06

The films can be submitted within 31st August 2020

Registration is officially open to the fourth edition of MyArt International Film Festival, the independent film festival which will take place in Cosenza from 9th to 12th December 2020.

The Festival, organized since 2017 by Associazione Culturale Multietnica “La Kasbah” Onlus of Cosenza, promotes human rights protection through cinema.

MyArt aims at supporting and spreading film works which go beyond  simple witnessing to become active, committed cinema, with its eye on the future of new generations: a workshop involving film directors, producers and, above all, audience, making it an active part in the construction of a new concept of global citizenship which is able to combine human rights protection with respect for diversity.

In this edition too, My Art International Film Festival will include three sections::

Documentary section

Documentary films, of up to 60 minutes, about subjects related to human rights protection, with special attention to migration as well as respect for fundamental freedoms (expression, religion, gender, sexual orientation, ethnicity, etc.). The best documentary will win the 3.000 € Sprar/Siproimi Award dedicated to Sarah Maldoror.

Short film section

Fiction short films, of up to 30 minutes, about subjects related to human rights protection, with special attention to migration as well as respect for fundamental freedoms (expression, religion, gender, sexual orientation, ethnicity, etc.). The best short film will win the 1.500 €  fondazione Migrantes Award dedicated to Shady Habash.

Non-competing films

Premieres and/or recent works of renowned directors,critically acclaimed or awarded at the greatest international festivals dealing with human rights, with special attention to migration as well as respect for fundamental freedoms (expression, religion, gender, sexual orientation, ethnicity, etc.).

The call to submit documentaries and short films will close on 31 August 2020.

As always, the Festival Direction will appoint an international jury which will judge the competing films. Among the members of the previous edition of the Festival were Daniele Ciprì, Wilma Labate, Gianfranco Pannone, Andrea Segre, Ilir Butka, Alessandro Di Gregorio, artistic director of Berlin Human Rights’ Film Festival  Anna Ramskogler-Witt, journalist Corrado Giustiniani.

Films and videos – preferably in italian preview – produced after 1st July 2018 can join the competition.

To submit films it is necessary to fill the application form on and send the film in original language (with Italian subtitles) to  including username and password, following the instructions in the entry form.

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